Hey everyone! By now, some of you already know who we are. For those of you that don’t… we’re Megan and Richard McCrea – and that cute little pup in our lap is June! We’re both born and raised Floridians turned Tennesseans, high school sweethearts and the owners + your host(esses).
Our journey Southbound began in 2012 after spending Valentine’s Day weekend in Nashville. Though I (Megan) had previously traveled here for work and to visit a childhood friend, it was that visit that finally convinced Richard Nashville was a place we could call home. We officially made the move to Nashville later that same year, giving us the unique perspective of having experienced Nashville as both visitors AND local.
Technically, when we left Florida we moved about 800 miles North to TN but as Richard often likes to say, “we’re more in the South than we’ve ever been.” That little phrase was the inspiration for our new name: Southbound Stays.
When we first began hosting, we operated under the name Nashville Vacation Homes because it made sense at the time- all of our homes were in Nashville and people were coming for vacation. However, over the years we have noticed a shift as to why our guests are coming. Are guests still coming for vacation? Absolutely! However, we recognize that there are a variety of other reasons, too.
We have heard from our guests that they’re coming for: work; scouting, recording and musical inspiration (this is Nashville and Leiper’s Fork, y’all); medical treatments and recoveries; visiting their children at one of our many universities; to work remotely; sabbatical; life’s happy moments like welcoming new babies; life’s sad moments like funerals or having a last getaway with loved ones; and some even temporary housing until they settle into their new city or homes. Sometimes, people are coming for a mix of many of these things.
For that reason, the name “Nashville Vacation Homes” simply no longer fit our guests nor our identity. One theme did keep rising to the top, though … whatever it is that brings guests to our homes, they’re coming to STAY. And I just kept coming back to Richard’s phrase and our journey “Southbound.” And so it was born: Southbound Stays.
We may have a new name but it’s still us, still our homes and still our same level of commitment to our guests. Whatever it is that brings you to Nashville or Leiper’s Fork, our homes are ready to welcome you for your time here. We hope that our homes will get to be a part of your Tennessee memories and your very own Southbound Stay.
If you’d like to stay connected with us and our adventures, follow us on social media:
Megan, Richard & June McCrea